Cloud Computing and Big Data Research Laboratory (B3LAB); established under TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) BİLGEM (Informatics and Information Security Advanced Technologies Research Center) Information Technologies Institute in 2014, in order to work on domestic and national Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Storage and Big Data technologies.

Main goals are;
• To conduct research in the fields of Cloud and Big Data,
• To lead development of the needed products with local resources,
• To do research and provide consultancy for stakeholders who will study on these topics,
• To carry out R&D activities to produce open source and secure solutions in parallel with the needs of public and private sectors and to create added value to its stakeholders with the projects it accomplishes.

Activities of B3LAB are, beside focusing on domestic and national Cloud Computing and Big Data environments and transforming them into products with the names Safir Bulut (Safir Cloud) and Safir Depo (Safir Storage);
• To develop and generalize Safir Cloud and Safir Storage solutions,
• To make studies on infrastructure, security, privacy, testing and quality of cloud systems,
• To produce architectural and analytical solutions on online/offline data using Big Data technologies,
• To carry out R&D activities on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning,
• To support and corporate with companies that request projects, consultancy and training on the above issues