Has been awarded the support of the EU Commission within the scope of Horizon Europe Program Cluster 4 Industry Area
We are proud to announce that our project with Ford Otosan , Sakarya Elektrik Dağıtım AŞ, Mutlu Akü and Türkiye Petrol Rafineleri AŞ, FLEXIndustries (Digitally-enabled FLEXible Industries for reliable energy grids under high penetration of Variable Renewable Energy Sources), has been awarded the support of the EU Commission within the scope of Horizon Europe Program Cluster 4 Industry Area.
As TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Cloud Computing and Big Data Research Laboratory (B3LAB) and the Robotics and Autonomous Systems Laboratory, we are excited to develop solutions together with our industry partner Ford Otosan using important technologies such as #cloudcomputing, #bigdata, #digitaltwin and #energymodelling.