The development of robust and trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) systems has fundamental challenges, such as understanding humans, adapting to complex real-world environments, and interacting appropriately in complex social environments. At this point, the general vision is to facilitate AI systems that improve human abilities, while also empowering individuals and society as a whole by taking into account human autonomy and self-determination. [...]


5G-MOBIX (5G for Cooperative & Connected Automated Mobility on X-border corridors), is a European Union Horizon 2020 project, aims to develop automated vehicle functions by taking advantage of fundamental innovations such as low latency and high bandwidth provided by 5G technology and advanced artificial intelligence techniques. [...]


The main goal of FLEXIndustries project is to build upon a holistic multi-disciplinary and multi-scale approach fostering its 7 multi-sector (automotive, biofuels, polymers, steel, pulp & paper, pharmaceuticals, cement) energy intensive industries, designing and deploying the most suitable Energy Efficiency Measures and Process Flexibility Methods for their industrial environments along with a positive impact onto their interconnection with the electrical & heating networks. [...]


The main aim of the StorAIge project is to setup a world-class manufacturing platform for silicon with Artificial Intelligence capabilities, prototyping high performance, FD-SOI low power and secured & safety components enabling competitive AI at the edge applications. [...]

BİLGEM (Informatics and Information Security Advanced Technologies Research Center) It is a national R&D center that produces innovative and national solutions for the needs of the country by studying in the fields of informatics, information security and advanced electronics.